Lawyer for cybercrimes and information security incidents, IT lawyer Vovk Artem Viktorovich.
Information and network security specialist.
Experience in cybercrime cases since 2009.
Work experience as a lawyer and human rights defender since 2004.
Protection of intellectual property rights since 2007.
Certificate of the practice law No. 21/1176.
Higher legal education, master of law.
Technical education. Computer Academy «STEP». (Cisco Academy, Microsoft IT Academy). Specialty — Network technologies and system administration. Network security.
Contact for advice:
+38 (067) 548-75-75
The knowledge gained in the “MIM-Kyiv” business school on “Practical Management” is used in business consulting and practical business. Specialization — IT startups.
Member of the non-governmental organization «International Cybercrime Center» —
When choosing a lawyer cybercrime should always pay careful attention to his skills, knowledge in information technology and information security, programming, media rights and so on.
«Times change and requirements for quality of service and»
Therefore, very rare specialization in a broad, professional market is the Bar Counsel of cybercrime. Even its name — The lawyer for computer crimes (in the field of computer and information technology).
The reason for this is the lack of «ordinary» lawyer fundamental, profound knowledge in the field of computer and network technologies. An important factor is also the experience of criminal cases related to cybercrime.
Attorneys’ Legal and consulting company «GENESIS» with relevant knowledge and experience in programming, system administration and network technology, information security, media rights, etc., as well as criminal, criminal-procedural, economic, civil law.
«Our advantage is that we create a legal position and the ground based on the customer’s experience and knowledge.»
Our lawyers are always ready to provide free, basic counseling to determine the merits of questions and clarifications prospects.
For high school students who are learning programming, system engineering and administration, security, computer networks, etc. — consultation is free of charge (subject to confirmation appropriate form of training and specialization).